Bible of BS

Bible of BS Case Study

We’ve all said it, we’ve all heard it.  At it’s worst it is done with malice, and even at it’s best, laziness.  There is always something better to say.  If you think someone is misguided, suggest what their priority should be.  If you’ve had enough of the conversation, find another way to excuse yourself.  If you want to make someone feel bad and stupid, don’t.

Be kinder.  Be more patient.  Be more effective.  Just two little words can violate all the commandments below.

False Authority – You are not the one to determine what is important to other people

Improper Assumption – Clearly somebody cares enough to talk about it.  Just because you don’t care do not assume no one else does

Indecent Regard for Others – It is belittling

Deflection – Often used as a gaslighting technique, especially when the other person is making ground on their point

Inconsistent – You cared enough to engage in the topic or cared enough to interject your BS

Unresourceful – As stated above, there is almost certainly a better way