Bible of BS

Bible of BS Case Study

People are far from perfect, but so often preach in idealistic terms.  While there is certainly nothing wrong with striving for perfection, be wary of the messenger.  You will run into these virtue signalers, people who spout their ideals, usually to gain influence in a situation.  Often they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  It usually never sits right with your instincts because chances are these situations are deceptively riddled with BS.    Below are some of the reasons why these “saints” are full of BS.

Inconsistent and misrepresenting – Mentioned above, in all likelihood they talk and the talk but don’t walk the walk.  Spewing idealism in a conversation is easy, but actually performing it with consistency is another

Unresourceful – Idealism in most cases is the direct antagonist of pragmatism.  Often times, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze going from the most productive system, to the virtuosic ideal.

Ignorance – Their misbelief that idealism is the best way just might make them ignorant.

False Authority – Maybe their ideals aren’t actually ideals at all for you or other parties. Perhaps it is not their place to say what is good for others.

Indecent Emotional Manipulation – Often times the messenger will try to employ guilt to cater to their power, influence, or ego.

Indecent Regard for Others – Often times a condescending, critical, and judgmental tone is attached to their preaching.