• Thought Tank

    Make it a Better Place

    You have what it takes to make the world a better place.  No degree, wealth, or power required.  The world will never be short of people desperate to share their voice.  Never short of invitations for laughter.  Do right to others, but most importantly do right to yourself.

  • Uncategorized

    The Power of the Force

    Babe and honey.  Inspired by real stories and real people.  Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by T and T 2003.  Sometimes boys will just be boys.

  • Chef's Hat

    Thanksgiving 2024 – Pork Feet Gumbo

    Thanksgiving contribution 2024 – Porks Feet gumbo. Both gumbo and pork’s feet are common in creole cuisine but are never combined. Just a little out of the box combination here and a pretty tasty result. Even for those who don’t enjoy pigs’ feet, the extra gelatin it provides makes the gumbo sauce especially luscious.

  • Angels

    Just a Little Mud

    We all start off the same but get a little dirty along the way.  Too many of us waste our lives decorating the dirt with nonsense.  Never forget, it’s just a little mud, and everyone was already maximally beautiful.  Choose to let that shine, not cover up the gunk.

  • Uncategorized

    Bible of BS Case Study

    Gossiping and Laughing at Others

    We are all guilty of it to some degree yet are annoyed by those who do it too often. It can be difficult to articulate why it feels so wrong even though no direct action is towards the person. Gossip isn’t necessarily false, manipulative, or selfish by nature.

    It is, however, laced with judgement, belittlement, and ill regard towards another human being. That is the difference between “gossip” and simply talking about someone. If you know that person does not want to be spoken about and you still do, that is BS. If you are speaking about them just to feel better about yourself, that is BS. If you are saying things you wouldn’t say around them, that is BS.

    Commandment X, “Thou Shalt Have Indecent Regard for Others.” The final commandment of the bible. It is the most obscure but perhaps is the one most woven into all of the other commandments.

    Wish good for each other and help another out when possible. Anything less is simply BS.

  • Chef's Hat

    Fried Chicken

    My journey to making my perfect Fried Chicken.

    Still a work in progress but found some key ideas this round. Some tips below that I’m currently tweaking.

    Pre frying tenderizing and flavoring, particularly with salt and acid, make a big difference

    Let the chicken meld with the first layer of flour overnight.  This will help the crust stay on the meat while eating.

    Sous vide can be utilized to thoroughly cook the breast below 165.  This makes the breast comparably as good as dark meat (not quite, but almost)

    Mixing the traditional all-purpose flour with corn starch (or even potato starch) will result in a crispier crust.

  • Thought Tank

    Dare to be Fine

    A high quality wine is only fully enjoyed by those with a developed palate. The tastes of the masses, particularly the novices, usually can’t appreciate the nuances. Instead they will often reach for something overly sweet, overly boozy, or even worse – overly accessible.

    For those who are bold enough to allow themselves to develop true to their authentic nature, be patient. Like a fine bottle, you will get better with age, and reaching your prime will take time. With this ever-improving version of yourself, explore new environments, both socially and globally. Use all the positive energy around you to further ferment yourself into the best vintage you possibly can.

    Don’t let the slew of cranberry vodka drinkers deter you. Dare to be a 1869 Château Lafite Rothschild. You will inspire those who deserve it.

  • Babe and Honey

    Football Fan by Default

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by T and J 2005. At least they’re trying?

  • Bible of BS

    Bible of BS Case Study

    People are far from perfect, but so often preach in idealistic terms.  While there is certainly nothing wrong with striving for perfection, be wary of the messenger.  You will run into these virtue signalers, people who spout their ideals, usually to gain influence in a situation.  Often they talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.  It usually never sits right with your instincts because chances are these situations are deceptively riddled with BS.    Below are some of the reasons why these “saints” are full of BS.

    Inconsistent and misrepresenting – Mentioned above, in all likelihood they talk and the talk but don’t walk the walk.  Spewing idealism in a conversation is easy, but actually performing it with consistency is another

    Unresourceful – Idealism in most cases is the direct antagonist of pragmatism.  Often times, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze going from the most productive system, to the virtuosic ideal.

    Ignorance – Their misbelief that idealism is the best way just might make them ignorant.

    False Authority – Maybe their ideals aren’t actually ideals at all for you or other parties. Perhaps it is not their place to say what is good for others.

    Indecent Emotional Manipulation – Often times the messenger will try to employ guilt to cater to their power, influence, or ego.

    Indecent Regard for Others – Often times a condescending, critical, and judgmental tone is attached to their preaching.

  • Thought Tank

    A Good Driver

    It is not someone who breaks the speed limit and cuts people off just to save a few minutes off their commute.

    It’s not someone who can parallel park with just a few maneuvers.

    It’s someone that understands their surroundings and are able to communicate their intentions with actions that optimize speed, flow, and most importantly peace.  Understanding that the road needs to be shared and that there’s hardly a reason to kill someone’s flow just because your anxieties command you to squeeze every inch of lane you can.   And also, those who are driving too slow are also disruptive.  Being too fearful can equally be as destructive and dangerous as being a speed demon.  Drive with both courage and compassion.

    Be a good driver… on the road, and in life.