• Babe and Honey

    Football Fan by Default

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by T and J 2005. At least they’re trying?

  • Babe and Honey

    Different Values

    Inspired by J and M 2015.  A common scene – On the surface it appears harmless and comical but highlights a very important lesson.  Your values will never match another’s.  Definitely not in intensity and perhaps not even categorically.  Be mindful of this in your relationships and utilize communication, compromise and patience to minimize the pain associated with avoidable misunderstandings.

  • Babe and Honey

    Keep it Silly

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by T and M 2006. When you can keep it more silly than serious, you’re probably doing something right.

  • Babe and Honey

    The Invincible Man

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations and even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by all the “invincible” primates in the world, and the trouble their immortality creates for others.

  • Babe and Honey

    Prisoner of “Stupid” Decisions

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by H 2009. It’s true that people’s “self-made” prisons can be unlocked with “common sense”. However, ones self-glorification of their “journey” is often a delusion that masks a deep pain from a trauma long ago. This cartoon originally created in 2014 admittedly has not aged well. It lacks empathy and compassion for the struggles we all face in one form or another, and ridicules something that should be supported.

  • Babe and Honey

    The Young Mans Game

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired from a time long ago where the concept of responsibility was a bit more optional.

  • Babe and Honey

    Babe and Honey – He Sees She Sees Part 2

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stores and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by my sisters. They just literally have no interest in sports whatsoever. This is not intended to be a portrayal of all females, please don’t kill me.

  • Babe and Honey

    Babe and Honey – Pavlov’s Dog

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by T and S 2002. It’s no exaggeration, often times they really see no difference at all.

  • Babe and Honey

    Babe and Honey – Brain Implant

    Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.

    Inspired by D and M 2009. Sometimes it’s not by accident you know exactly what they want.