The Power of the Force
Babe and honey. Inspired by real stories and real people. Finding the humor in imperfect situations with even more imperfect characters.
Inspired by T and T 2003. Sometimes boys will just be boys.
Bible of BS Case Study
Gossiping and Laughing at Others
We are all guilty of it to some degree yet are annoyed by those who do it too often. It can be difficult to articulate why it feels so wrong even though no direct action is towards the person. Gossip isn’t necessarily false, manipulative, or selfish by nature.
It is, however, laced with judgement, belittlement, and ill regard towards another human being. That is the difference between “gossip” and simply talking about someone. If you know that person does not want to be spoken about and you still do, that is BS. If you are speaking about them just to feel better about yourself, that is BS. If you are saying things you wouldn’t say around them, that is BS.Commandment X, “Thou Shalt Have Indecent Regard for Others.” The final commandment of the bible. It is the most obscure but perhaps is the one most woven into all of the other commandments.
Wish good for each other and help another out when possible. Anything less is simply BS.